Results for 'Darrell L. Butler'

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    Some effects of support on perceived shape of depicted objects.Darrell L. Butler - 1988 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 26 (3):214-216.
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  2. The Continuing Conversion of the Church.Darrell L. Guder - 2000
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    Embracing Jesus in a First Century Context: What Can it Teach us about Spiritual Commitment?Darrell L. Bock - 2010 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 3 (2):128-139.
    It is appropriate to open an essay in honor of someone by commemorating that person. When I think of Dallas Willard I think of someone who has not been afraid to point to Jesus and spiritual commitment in an age when most people are committed to themselves. Dallas has been very clear in all of his writings that knowing Jesus is not a hobby, a business transaction one makes and forgets, nor an add-on to life; it is an entry into (...)
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    The structure of hepatitis B surface antigen and its antigenic sites.Darrell L. Peterson - 1987 - Bioessays 6 (6):258-262.
    Hepatitis B virus infects about 200 million people worldwide yearly. The consequences of the infection range from mild, self‐limiting hepatitis with full recovery and immunity to chronic infection with liver disease of varying severity, including fulminant hepatitis and death. Alternatively, individuals may become healthy carriers of the virus and thus serve as a reservoir of infection. In addition, all chronic carriers of the virus are also at risk for development of primary hepatocellular carcinoma later in life. Efforts to combat this (...)
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  5. Missional Church: A Vision for the Sending of the Church in North America.Darrell L. Guder - 1998
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  6. Studying the Historical Jesus: A Guide to Sources and Methods.Darrell L. Bock & Gregory W. Dawes - 2002
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  7. Proclamation from Prophecy and Pattern: Lucan Old Testament Christology.Darrell L. Bock - 1987
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    Implications of Structure versus Agency for Addressing Health and Well-Being in Our Ecologically Constrained World: With a Focus on Prospects for Gender Equity.Helen L. Walls, Colin D. Butler, Jane Dixon & Indira Samarawickrema - 2015 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 8 (2):47-69.
    Individual choice and freedom are repeatedly invoked in contemporary policy debates, including those with a focus on risk behaviors such as smoking and health insurance coverage. The idea of making the right choice with regard to health and well-being has been fortified by the neoliberal discourse of self-reliance, personal autonomy, and responsibility. This neoliberal view, stemming from the conceptualization of freedom of philosopher John Stuart Mill justifying the freedom of the individual in opposition to unlimited state control, holds that success, (...)
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  9. The critical role of retrieval practice in long-term retention.Henry L. Roediger Iii & Andrew C. Butler - 2011 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 15 (1):20-27.
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    Editorial: The Impact of Social Connections on Patients' Health.Davide Mazzoni, Elizabeth A. Baker, Darrell L. Hudson & Gabriella Pravettoni - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    Book reviews. [REVIEW]Stephen Skousgaard, James L. Marsh, Clark Butler, Paul D. Simmons, John T. Granrose, Ramon M. Lemos & Robert J. Fornaro - 1982 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 13 (1):43-52.
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    Visual imagery in autobiographical memory: The role of repeated retrieval in shifting perspective.Andrew C. Butler, Heather J. Rice, Cynthia L. Wooldridge & David C. Rubin - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 42:237-253.
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    Pragmatism in EducationIdealism in EducationExistentialism in Education.L. R. Perry, E. E. Bayles, J. D. Butler & V. C. Morris - 1967 - British Journal of Educational Studies 15 (1):77.
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    Hunt–Vitell’s General Theory of Marketing Ethics Predicts “Attitude-Behaviour” Gap in Pro-environmental Domain.Laura Zaikauskaitė, Gemma Butler, Nurul F. S. Helmi, Charlotte L. Robinson, Luke Treglown, Dimitrios Tsivrikos & Joseph T. Devlin - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:732661.
    The inconsistency between pro-environmental attitudes and behaviours, known as the “attitude-behaviour” gap, is exceptionally pronounced in scenarios associated with “green” choice. The current literature offers numerous explanations for the reasons behind the “attitude-behaviour” gap, however, the generalisability of these explanations is complex. In addition, the answer to the question of whether the gap occurs between attitudes and intentions, or intentions and behaviours is also unknown. In this study, we propose the moral dimension as a generalisable driver of the “attitude-behaviour” gap (...)
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    The crayfish position on command neurons.James L. Larimer, John Jellies & Darrell Moore - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (4):733-734.
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    Predictive aspects of nonverbal courtship behavior in women.Monica M. Moore & Diana L. Butler - 1989 - Semiotica 76 (3-4):205-216.
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    Contingencies among event runs in binary prediction.Patricia A. Butler, Nancy A. Myers & Jerome L. Myers - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 79 (3p1):424.
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    Editorial: Mental practice: clinical and experimental research in imagery and action observation.Magdalena Ietswaart, Andrew J. Butler, Philip L. Jackson & Martin G. Edwards - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    The nature of visual self-recognition.Thomas Suddendorf & David L. Butler - 2013 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 17 (3):121-127.
    Visual self-recognition is often controversially cited as an indicator of self-awareness and assessed with the mirror-mark test. Great apes and humans, unlike small apes and monkeys, have repeatedly passed mirror tests, suggesting that the underlying brain processes are homologous and evolved 14-18 million years ago. However, neuroscientific, developmental, and clinical dissociations show that the medium used for self-recognition (mirror vs photograph vs video) significantly alters behavioral and brain responses, likely due to perceptual differences among the different media and prior experience. (...)
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    Problem difficulty for tabu search in job-shop scheduling.Jean-Paul Watson, J. Christopher Beck, Adele E. Howe & L. Darrell Whitley - 2003 - Artificial Intelligence 143 (2):189-217.
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    Judith Butler, du genre à la non-violence.Mylène Botbol-Baum & Judith Butler (eds.) - 2017 - [Nantes]: Les éditions nouvelles Cécile Defaut.
    Cet ouvrage est construit autour d'un chapitre (texte original) de Judith Butler sur l'éthique de la non-violence. En réponse se construisent quatre réflexions philosophiques. Mylène Botbol-Baum présente le collectif à partir de sa traduction du texte de Judith Butler, et aborde la question du sujet et de la norme à partir de la lecture butlerienne de Levinas et Arendt, sur la question des limites de la légitimité de la violence pour une éthique de la relationalité. Jean de Munck (...)
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    C‐reactive protein point of care testing and physician communication skills training for lower respiratory tract infections in general practice: economic evaluation of a cluster randomized trial.Jochen W. L. Cals, Andre J. H. A. Ament, Kerenza Hood, Christopher C. Butler, Rogier M. Hopstaken, Geert F. Wassink & Geert-Jan Dinant - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (6):1059-1069.
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    The role of repeated retrieval in shaping collective memory.H. L. Roediger, Franklin M. Zaromb & Andrew Butler - 2009 - In Pascal Boyer & James V. Wertsch (eds.), Memory in Mind and Culture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 138--170.
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    Quand l'arrivée des enfants fait basculer le couple.Annie de Butler - 2002 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 157 (3):117.
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    Book ReviewsDaniel A. Farber, Eco‐Pragmatism: Making Sensible Environmental Decisions in an Uncertain World. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999. Pp. 210. $23.00. [REVIEW]Lynda L. Butler - 2001 - Ethics 111 (2):407-409.
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    Le « pousse à l'acte » dans le couple et dans la fratrie.Annie de Butler & Régine Scelles - 2001 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 154 (4):37.
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    Le vivable et l'invivable: une conversation à l'initiative d'Arto Charpentier et Laure Barillas.Judith Butler - 2021 - Paris: PUF. Edited by Frédéric Worms, Arto Charpentier & Laure Barillas.
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    Book reviews. [REVIEW]Frederic L. Bender, Edward F. Mooney, Philip H. Ashby & Clark Butler - 1981 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 12 (1):59-64.
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    Book Reviews Section 1.D. Bob Gowin, Jerry B. Burnell, Pat Keith, Jaw-Woei Chiou, Kermit J. Blank, George Willis, George Kincaid, Lawrence D. Klein, James A. Nathan, Houston M. Burnside, Daniel P. Hudin, Erwin H. Epstein, Ivan L. Barrientos, Darrell S. Willey, Mathew Zachariah, Robert H. Beck & Edward R. Beauchamp - 1973 - Educational Studies 4 (3):134-145.
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    Categories by which we try to live.Judith Butler - 2023 - European Journal of Philosophy 31 (1):283-288.
    Categories We Live By makes several claims about Judith Butler's Gender Trouble which Butler seeks to contest, while remaining in fundamental agreement with most of the conclusions in Asta Sveinsdottir's book. At issue is whether or not performativity can rightly be restricted to what is called an exercitive in J. L. Austin's sense, whether Butler is a radical constructivist or a qualified one, and whether unauthorized speech acts have a power to bring a reality into being that (...)
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    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Joe L. Green, Clinton B. Allison, Robert E. Belding, John R. Thelin, J. Theodore Klein, Robert M. Caldwell, Addie J. Butler, Sally H. Wertheim, Sandford W. Reitman, Jeffrey L. Lant, Hilda Calabro, George A. Male, Alan H. Jones & James J. Groark - 1976 - Educational Studies 7 (4):368-389.
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    La supervision en thérapie de couple.Annie de Butler - 2004 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 166 (4):45-58.
    La supervision individuelle ou en groupe permet à tout thérapeute formé selon les concepts théoriques et l’approche clinique de la psychanalyse de forger ses propres outils. Dans un groupe de supervision, chacun apporte les difficultés sur lesquelles il bute dans la mise en place et le déroulement d’une thérapie. Le groupe réfléchit, dans tous les sens du terme, ce qui permet au thérapeute de percevoir ce qui jusque là lui échappait – qu’il s’agisse du fonctionnement symptomatique des patients entre eux (...)
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    Le féminin et le maternel, l'angoisse face à la différence.Annie de Butler & Florence Bécar - 2005 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 169 (3):45-60.
    L’écoute d’un couple en crise qui demande à être aidé montre fréquemment que la dégradation de leur communication affective et sexuelle a débuté à la naissance d’un enfant, pas nécessairement le premier. Quelques exemples témoignent à quel point de multiples remaniements psychiques s’opèrent au sein du couple, lorsqu’une femme devient mère : retour de l’enfant en soi, réactivation des conflits œdipiens. Et, comme le souligne Winnicott, n’y aurait-il pas en chaque homme et en chaque femme la représentation d’une femme/mère toute-puissante (...)
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    Plainte et séduction.Annie de Butler - 2004 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 164 (2):58-71.
    La demande en thérapie de couple revêt souvent la forme d’une plainte. Lorsque l’on s’attache à travailler les éléments conscients et inconscients qui structurent le transfert, on mesure à quel point cette plainte est séductrice. Elle exerce sur le thérapeute une emprise directe qui peut modifier son écoute et paralyser le processus thérapeutique, car elle a le pouvoir de s’introduire au cœur de son monde interne.
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    Pharaoh’s Magicians: The Ethics and Efficacy of Human Fetal Tissue Transplants.Robert Barry & Darrel Kesler - 1990 - The Thomist 54 (4):575-607.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:PHARAOH'S.MAGICIANS: THE ETHICS AND EFFICA:CY OF HUMAN FETAiL TISSUE TRANSPLANTS ROBERT BARRY, O.P. Program for the Study of Religion University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana DARREL KESLER Department of Animal Sciences University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana. IN RECENT YEARS increasing attention ha;s been given to v:rurious types of scientific riese,arch involving the human fetus. In the 1970s, :a tremendous amount of concern was expres1 sed IJ.'egiaroing the fetus,a;.s a rSU!bject of e~erimenrtation. (...)
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    Internal Affairs: Making Room for Psychosemantic Internalism.Keith Butler - 1998 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    What is it about you in virtue of which you are having the thoughts you are now having? The answer will no doubt make some appeal to the state your brain is now in. Most philosophers, however, claim that this is only part of the answer; many of the facts that determine your thoughts lie outside your skin. This view is called externalism, and in this book Keith L. Butler argues that, contrary to widespread philosophical opinion, externalism is very (...)
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    Gender Struggles: Practical Approaches to Contemporary Feminism.Kathryn Pyne Addelson, Sandra Lee Bartky, Susan Bordo, Rosi Braidotti, Susan J. Brison, Judith Butler, Drucilla L. Cornell, Deirdre E. Davis, Nancy Fraser, Evelynn M. Hammonds, Nancy J. Hirschmann, Eva Feder Kittay, Sharon Marcus, Marsha Marotta, Julien S. Murphy, Iris MarionYoung & Linda M. G. Zerilli (eds.) - 2002 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    The sixteen essays in Gender Struggles address a wide range of issues in gender struggles, from the more familiar ones that, for the last thirty years, have been the mainstay of feminist scholarship, such as motherhood, beauty, and sexual violence, to new topics inspired by post-industrialization and multiculturalism, such as the welfare state, cyberspace, hate speech, and queer politics, and finally to topics that traditionally have not been seen as appropriate subjects for philosophizing, such as adoption, care work, and the (...)
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    Book Review Section 2. [REVIEW]Kenneth D. Witmer Jr, Addie J. Butler, Bill Eaton, E. V. Johanningmeier, Gerald L. Gutek, Hilda Calabro, Charles M. Dye, Robert J. Skovira, Susan Ludmer-Gliebe, George W. Bright, Harvey G. Neufeldt, Frederick M. Schultz & Fred D. Kierstead - 1979 - Educational Studies 10 (3):304-325.
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    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Evelena Orteza Y. Miranda, James M. Wallace, Carole L. Willis, David B. Bills, Richard A. Brosio, Timothy Glander, Judy D. Butler & Suzanne Yerian - 1996 - Educational Studies 27 (1):62-101.
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    Kronos Philosophical Journal, vol.V/2016.Vladimir Varava, Natalia Rostova, Piotr Nowak, Janusz Dobieszewski, Fedor Girenok, Marina Savel'eva, Anastasia Gacheva, Irena Księżopolska, Carl A. P. Ruck, John Uebersax, Peter Warnek, Edward P. Butler, Apostolos L. Pierris, Jeff Love, Svetozar Minkov, Ivan Dimitrijević, Wawrzyniec Rymkiewicz, Grzegorz Czemiel & David Kretz - unknown
    The annual Kronos Philosophical Journal was established in Warsaw in 2012. The papers presented in the annual might be of interest to the readers from outside Poland, allowing them to familiarize themselves with the dynamic thought of contemporary Polish authors, as well as entirely new topics, rarely discussed by English speaking authors. Volume V/2016 comprises articles problematizing Russian phlosophy and literature as well as Ancient Greek philosophy and culture.
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    Indirect Reports and Pragmatics in the World Languages.Alessandro Capone, Una Stojnic, Ernie Lepore, Denis Delfitto, Anne Reboul, Gaetano Fiorin, Kenneth A. Taylor, Jonathan Berg, Herbert L. Colston, Sanford C. Goldberg, Edoardo Lombardi Vallauri, Cliff Goddard, Anna Wierzbicka, Magdalena Sztencel, Sarah E. Duffy, Alessandra Falzone, Paola Pennisi, Péter Furkó, András Kertész, Ágnes Abuczki, Alessandra Giorgi, Sona Haroutyunian, Marina Folescu, Hiroko Itakura, John C. Wakefield, Hung Yuk Lee, Sumiyo Nishiguchi, Brian E. Butler, Douglas Robinson, Kobie van Krieken, José Sanders, Grazia Basile, Antonino Bucca, Edoardo Lombardi Vallauri & Kobie van Krieken (eds.) - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This volume addresses the intriguing issue of indirect reports from an interdisciplinary perspective. The contributors include philosophers, theoretical linguists, socio-pragmaticians, and cognitive scientists. The book is divided into four sections following the provenance of the authors. Combining the voices from leading and emerging authors in the field, it offers a detailed picture of indirect reports in the world’s languages and their significance for theoretical linguistics. Building on the previous book on indirect reports in this series, this volume adds an empirical (...)
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    Ça ne me regarde pas... ou je n'en veux rien savoir?.Annie de Butler - 2009 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 182 (4):39-55.
    Comment départager ce qui est à travailler au sein du groupe thérapeutique et ce qui ne nous regarde pas, nous thérapeutes? Autant de frontières entre l’autre et soi, entre les motivations conscientes et les désirs inconscients, qui sont à la fois signifiantes et difficilement repérables. Le travail du thérapeute sur son contre-transfert lui permet de faire la différence entre ce qui ne le regarde pas et ce dont il préfère ne rien savoir.
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  43. Gender as Performance', Interview conducted by P. Osborne and L. Segal.J. Butler - 1994 - Radical Philosophy 67.
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    Ethics, Science, and Democracy: The Philosophy of Abraham Edel.Douglas Butler - 1987 - Transaction Publishers.
    This volume, modeled after those published in The Library of Living Philosophers, attempts to provide a coherent statement of the work of Abraham Edel in moral and political theory, and on the impact of his work on such diverse areas as education, law, and social science. The methodological element of Edel's work is to see ethical and social theory in the full context of human life; specifically how twentieth-century modes of analysis impact classical concerns about right and wrong, good and (...)
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    Des corps en public.Judith Butler - 2012 - Multitudes 50 (3):41-41.
    Résumé Si l’espoir est une revendication impossible, alors nous exigeons l’impossible. Mais la vérité, c’est qu’il n’y a effectivement pas ici de revendications qui puissent être soumises à un arbitrage quelconque, parce que nous ne sommes pas réunis simplement pour exiger la justice économique et l’égalité sociale. Nous composons une communauté de corps ralliés dans les rues et dans les parcs.
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    La thérapie de couple face aux traumatismes dans les liens de filiation.Annie de Butler - 2005 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 168 (2):75-86.
    À partir d’une situation de couple dans lequel la communication semble bloquée par un trop plein de souffrance, due en partie à des traumatismes dans les liens de filiation de part et d’autre, l’auteure, grâce à un groupe de recherche, expérimente la nécessité d’un nouvel espace pour réguler un transfert massif. Le groupe de recherche prend en quelque sorte le relais de l’appareil psychique du thérapeute et met en scène les émotions et les représentations qui sont à l’œuvre au sein (...)
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  47. Nature and conscience in Butler's ethics.Nicholas L. Sturgeon - 1976 - Philosophical Review 85 (3):316-356.
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    Book Reviews Section 1.D. Cecil Clark, Booker Gardener, Raymond Bell, Howard L. Sparks, Lucien Morin, Norma J. Irwin, Hilary E. Bender, E. Dean Butler, Joti Bhatnagar, Richard Lasko, Bernard Mehl, Gilbert L. Noble, William C. Fish, Donald P. Hannon, Phillip T. Mcclung & Singnan Fen - 1973 - Educational Studies 4 (4):200-210.
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    Bishop Butler and the Age of Reason. A Study in the History of Thought. [REVIEW]S. P. L. - 1937 - Journal of Philosophy 34 (5):133-135.
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  50. William Butler Yeats's One Myth.James L. Allen - 1964 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 45 (4):524.
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